Solve all your book binding problems with this quick and simple book binding method using a paperclip and a rubber band.

Paperclip Notebook Binding.

I fell in love with the cards I used to make my upcycled gift boxes so I couldn't resist going back and seeing what else they had in the same range. I snapped up a couple more of their gorgeous bright and colourful cards and decided this was a perfect opportunity to show you another of those crafting tricks I picked up in school.

If you don't have any experience with book binding and hand stitching I know the whole process can seem pretty intimidating. This clever paperclip trick is super simple and lets you bind notebooks together quickly and without a single stitch.

Bookbinding has never been so easy!

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1. To make the cover cut your card in half following the center fold.

2. Mark the halfway point on your card and use this as a guide to punch your holes.

3. Use a bone folder and a ruler and score a line about an inch in. This means that your notebook cover will be able to open and close easily without creasing.

4. Using your cover as a guide punch holes in your paper. I was able to punch about 6-8 sheets at a time. For the pages I used A5 plain paper as it fit the height of the card cover perfectly. To stop the paper moving around as you punch it use a couple of paperclips to hold your stack in place.

5. Sandwich the plain paper between your card covers and tap it down against the table top to make sure all the holes line up. Don't worry about the paper being too long as this point. We'll be fixing this later.

6. Take your ruuber band and thread in onto a paperclip. Push the rubber band through the top hole and thread it through the bottom hole from the back. Stretch the rubber band and hook it onto the bottom of the paperclip.

This part can be a bit tricky depending on the rubber band you're using. If you're having trouble getting the band to fit try gently curling your notebook towards you as you attach it to the paperclip.

7. Trim off any excess paper using a craft knife and a steel ruler. I find it works best to do lots of light even strokes to get a smooth finish. You can use a fine sandpaper to gently sand away any uneven cuts.

And that's it. You're all done. I used some brightly coloured rubber bands and gold paperclips to match my cards and I'm more than pleased with how they turned out. In fact, I think they look pretty fantastic ;)

What do you think? Is this something you'll be giving a go?

Solve all your book binding problems with this quick and simple book binding method using a paperclip and a rubber band.
Solve all your book binding problems with this quick and simple book binding method using a paperclip and a rubber band.

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Gathering Beauty



Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project. I hope you find something here that inspires you.