Ready for some weekend diy ideas? If you have some extra time over the next couple of days why not try one of these 9 projects.

Transformable Hairpin Leg Desktop DIY

Thanks to the beauty of powder coated hairpin legs, my new desktop space looks like a million bucks and retains that light, airy feel needed in such a small room.

Wrapped wool wall hanging

This wool wall hanging is very big on impact but surprisingly easy to make – you don’t need any craft skills, just lots of wool.

DIY Paper Cactus

These cacti don't need watering, just a little TLC and loving glances from time to time.

4. Keep on track with a printable from Kraft & Mint.

DIY Ladder Plant Stand

We always seem to end up with a few new plant babies when running to the store for something else. Then you start running into the problem of where to keep all those plants!

Beaded Beanie DIY

I loooove a good hat in winter. They keep your head warm, look cute, and help hide any bad-hair-day issues.

DIY Marbled Soap

Yes, it’s much easier to buy bars of soap, but will it be marbled, smell like eucalyptus mint, and carry the pride and joy of knowing that you made it?

DIY Avocado Buttons

One of my closet staples is a button down shirt, and I wanted to find a way to jazz it up a bit!

Woven Patch DIY

I like to think of these woven patch jeans as similar to jeans that painters wear and get paint spots all over.



Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project. I hope you find something here that inspires you.