I think it's pretty obvious by now how much I love making things out of air-dry clay so it seemed like a no-brainer to end the week with even more if it.

Here's the three things I love right now, clay edition.

1. This pretty fantastic gold leaf  Diy Faux Arrowhead Necklace.

2. Teeny tiny Handmade Clay Pots. I especially love the house with the chimney on it.

3. And I don't know about you but I think these Clay Leaf Bowls are one of the cleverest things I've seen. What a great idea.

Happy, happy friday everyone.



Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project. I hope you find something here that inspires you.