Knitted Mug Cosy - Free Pattern

This knitted mug cosy makes a great gift. A quick and easy project that’s perfect for the beginner knitter.

Each mug warmer only requires one small 50g ball of yarn and once you’ve had some practice, only about an hour to knit.

It’s a super cute way to keep your hot drinks nice and toasty. Perfect for any tea lovers in your life.

Why not knit a whole set and brighten up your collection of mugs?

Free pattern knitted mug cosy.

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Knitted Mug Cosy Pattern.

New to knitting? No problem, I’ve got the perfect project to get you started; a stylish knitted mug cosy.

Learning to knit has been at the top of my to-do list for a while now. I’ve tried quite a few times to get started but for some reason, it never quite stuck. Well, after some lessons from a patient friend and watching a lot of YouTube videos I think I've finally got it!

If you’re a total knitting newbie like me I think you’ll find this hand-knitted mug cosy the perfect project to get started with. Not as big as a scarf (my attempts always ended up getting narrower as they went along) and as it only requires one 50g ball of double knitting it won’t break the bank to give it a go.

Use them to protect your hands from getting burnt on hot mugs or as a way of keeping your favourite morning drink hot just that little bit longer during the colder months.

Not only do they look great but they also make fantastic gifts. Pop one on a mug and fill it with pretty tea bags and biscuits or hot chocolate and marshmallows for a super thoughtful gift.

how to make a knitted mug cosy using this free pattern #knitting #knittingpattern #freepattern #winterknits #autumnknits #gatheringbeauty

Mug Cosy Knitting Pattern.

The mug cosy is knitted as a single straight piece of stocking stitch with a garter stitch border. To finish all you need to do is join the corners to create an opening for the handle and slid it onto your mug. Sew up the seam completely and you can use them on cold drinks in the summer or as reusable sleeves for takeaway cups.

And don’t worry about any spills, the great thing about this mug cosy is that it’s knitted in cotton so it’s easily washable.

To make your mug cosy you’ll need to know how to cast on, knit a stitch, purl a stitch and how to cast off. If you’re a beginner like me you might be feeling a bit intimidated but don’t worry, I’m going to explain exactly what each thing means below and share the video tutorials that helped when I was getting started.

How do you cast on?

At the start of every knitting project, you’ll need to cast on. There are a lot of different ways to do this but I found the basic cable cast on the easiest as it’s similar to working a knit stitch.

This video from Wool And The Gang explains it well.

How do you cast on?

At the start of every knitting project, you’ll need to cast on. There are a lot of different ways to do this but I found the basic cable cast on the easiest as it’s similar to working a knit stitch.

This video from Wool And The Gang explains it well.

How to knit stitch?

The knit stitch is the most basic and fundamental stitch. It forms the basis of most knitting projects. Once you’ve cast on, the knit stitch is the process of moving those stitches from the left needle to right needle as you work a row.

How to purl stitch?

The purl stitch is the second basic stitch to learn. Different combinations of knit and purl stitches are used to form stitch patterns like stocking stitch.

The purl stitch is worked in a similar way to the knit stitch, except the right needle is inserted through the stitch from the back to the front.

How do you knit a stocking stitch?

The stocking stitch is made by alternating rows of knit and purl stitches. It creates a smooth knitted fabric made up of a ‘v’ pattern on the front and bars on the back (the wrong side). This stitch is what forms the main body of the mug cosy pattern.

How do you knit a garter stitch?

Garter stitch is made by knitting every row. The pattern is reversible as it’s the same on both sides. This stitch is good for scarves as well as adding a decorative edge to this mug cosy.

How do you cast off?

At the end of every piece of knitting it needs to be secured to stop the ends unravelling. To do this you need to cast off and create a smooth edge.

Now that we’ve got all the basics out the way here’s how to make a simple mug cosy with a stocking stitch body and a garter stitch decorative border.


  • 1 x 50g ball of double knitting yarn.

    I used Debbie Bliss in Silver Grey which is sadly no longer available. You can find a range of remaining colours here.

  • A pair of 4 mm knitting needles (U.K. size 8 and a U.S. size 6).

    I’ve got a pair of these bamboo needles but I’d be lying if I didn’t say this colourful plastic set had stolen my heart.

  • A Yarn Needle.

  • And a pair of scissors.

How to knit a mug cosy (step by step for the beginner knitter).

1. Using 4mm needles cast on 17 stitches.* For the 1st row knit 2 stitches, purl 13 and then knit 2.

The 2 knit stitches at each end will make the garter stitch border.

Knit the next row. Repeat these 2 rows until your knitting reaches the desired length.

2. You want your knitting to measure around 26 cm or until it is 1 cm short of fitting around your mug. Make sure you end on a knitting row and then knit the next row to form the edge of your cosy. Cast off.

3. To finish your cosy bring the 2 edges together and stitch the top 2 stitches together.

Do the same on the bottom 2 stitches. You should now have an opening for the handle of your mug to fit into.

4. Slip your cosy onto your mug and pop on the kettle.

* Can be made shorter or longer to fit your mug.

hand knitted mug cosy free pattern

Knitted Mug Cosy - Free Pattern (for the confident knitter).


cm centimetres

K knit

mm millimetres

P purl

rep repeat

st(s) stitch(es)

WS wrong side

To make:

Using 4mm needles, cast on 17 sts.

Row 1 (WS): K2, P13, K2.

Row 2: K to end.

Rep these 2 rows until work measures 26cm, ending row 2.

Next row: K to end.

Cast off.

how to make a knitted mug cosy using this free pattern #knitting #knittingpattern #freepattern #winterknits #autumnknits #gatheringbeauty

And that's all there is to it. Not too complicated, right? Now you can keep my tea nice and hot in style. 

make a hand knitted mug cozy free pattern #knit #knitting #knittingpattern #pattern #freepattern #mugcosy

Want more cosy crafts? Check out some of our favourites below:

No time to make this Knitted Mug Cosy now? Pin the image below so you can come back to it later!



Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project. I hope you find something here that inspires you.